SN 0138-92.Method for determination Of aidrin, diedrin and endrin residues in grain for export.1主题内容与适应范围SN 0138规定了出口养麦中艾氏剂、狄氏剂、异狄...
SN 0137-92.Method for determination of pirimiphos0-methyl residue in grain for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN 0137规定了出口玉米中甲基嘧啶磷残留量的抽样和测...
SN 0136-92.Method for determination of di chlorovos, di azinon, fenthion, malathion residues in grain for export.1主题内容与适应范围SN 0136规定了出口玉米中敌敌畏、...
SN 0135-92.Method for determination of BHC, DDT , heptachlor and aldrin residues in grain for export.1主题内容与适应范围SN 0135规定了出口玉米中六六六、滴滴涕、...
SN 0134-92.Method for determination of carbary1, carbofuran residues in grain for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN 0134规定了出口玉米中甲萘威、克百威残留量的抽...
SN 0133-92.Method for determination of diaginon, fenthion, feni trothion, parathi on, phenthoate, EPN residues in erain for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN 0133规定了出口大...
SN 0130-92.Method for determination of BHC and DDT resi duers in honey product for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN 0130规定了出口蜂蜜中六六六、滴滴绨残留量的抽...
SN 0129-92.Method for determination of BHC and DDT residue in aquatic product for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN 0129规定了出口水产品中六六六、滴滴涕残留量的...
SN 0128-92.Method for determination of BHC and DDT residues in ege and egg product for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN 0128规定了出口鲜蛋、皮蛋、盐蛋中六六六和...
SN 0126-92.Method for determination of BHC and DDT residues in meat and meat product for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN 0126规定了出口冻分割肉、清蒸猪肉罐头、咸...