GA/T 1513-2018.Forensic science-Examination methods for stamp traces-High performance liquid chromatography.1范围GA/T 1513规定了法庭科学领域印章色痕的高效液相色谱...
YY 0117.1-2005.Implants for surgery- Forgings, castings for bone joint prostheses-Ti6AI4V titanium alloy forgings.5.3.2其他假体锻件的力学性能也应按批直接在锻件上切...
GA/T 1380-2018.Forensic science-Specifications for collection of human samples of DNA database.1范围GA/T 1380规定了法庭科学DNA检验采集人员样本时应遵守的基本要...
YDN 100-1998.1范围YDN 100规范规定了ATM网网络管理系统网元管理层的功能、网络管理协议以及管理信息模型。其当前版本仅规定对具有永久虛电...
YDB 052.1-2010.Controlled temperature cabinet based On PCM for telecommuni cation Part 1: Outdoor cabinet based on PCM for telecommunication.1范围YDB 052.1报告规定了通信用相...
YDB 052.2-201.Controlled temperature cabinet based On PCM for telecommuni cation Part 2: Phase change material accumulator air-condition system.1范围YDB 052.2报告规定了相变蓄...
YDB 053-2010.Solid hydrogen storage system of fuel cells for telecommunication.1范围YDB 053报告规定了通信用氢燃料电池固态储氢系统的术语和定义、要求、试...
YDB 051-2010.Power Supply of Hydrogen Fuel Cell for Tel ecommunications.1范围YDB 051报告规定了通信用氢燃料电池供电系统的定义、组成、要求、试验方法、检...
YY 0114-1993.4试验方法4.1外观以目 力检验。4.2 物理机械性能试验方法4.2.1 密度按GB 1033中D法进行测试。4.2.2培融指数按GB 3682进行测试。4.23拉伸...
GA/T 961-2020.Technical specifications for acceptance of itelligent monitoring and recordingsystem for vehicles on roads.1范围GA/T 961规定了道路车辆智能监测记录系统验...