YY 0290.10一2009.Intraocular lenses-Part 10: Phakic intraocular lenses.YY0290的本部分适用于以矫正有晶体眼的屈光度为主要目的的人工晶状体,其中不包括利...
YY 0718-2009/ISO 12865 :2006.Opthalmic instruments-Retinoscopes.4.3 结构和功能4.3.1通用要求a)当将光束投射到正常工作距离的白色表面并通过检影镜观察时...
YY 0329-2009.Leukocyte reduction filters for single use.1范围YY 0329规定了一次性使用去白细胞滤器的分类与命名、材料、要求、检验规则、标志和包装。...
YY/T 0681.1-2009.Test methods for sterile medical device package-Part 1:Test guide for accelerated aging.1.1YY/T0681的本部分为编制加速老化方案提供了信息,以便快速...
YY/T 0698.7-2009.Packaging materials for terminal sterilized medical devices-Part 7 :Adhesive coated paper for the manufacture of sealable packs for medical use for sterilization by...
YY/T 0698. 3-2009.Packaging materials for terminal sterilized medical devices-Part 3:Paper for use in the manufacture of paper bags(specified in YY/T 0698. 4) and in the manufacture...
YY/T 0698.2-2009.Packaging materials for terminal sterilized medical devices-Part 2 :Sterilization wrap- Requirements and test methods.YY/T0698的本部分提供了预期在使用前保...
YY/T 0127.10-2009.Biological evaluation of medical devices used in dentistry-Part 2 :Test method- Salmonella typhimurium reverse mutation assay (Ames mutagenicity test).YY/T0127的本...
YY 0716-2009.Dental- Ceramic. I 型陶瓷按照生产厂的使用说明书,制备10个直径为12 mm士0.2 mm,厚度为1. 6 mm士0.1 mm的试样。如果是可切削陶瓷,则直...
YY/T 0202-2009.Specifications for medical diagnostic X-ray device for tomography.YY/T 0202规定了医用诊断X射线体层摄影装置(以下简称体层摄影装置)的术语和定...