YY/T 1559-2017.Spinal implants- -Standard test methods for static and dynamic characterization of spinal artificial discs.YY/T 1559规定了用于椎间盘假体静态和动态试验的...
YY/T 1577-2017.Tissue engineering medical device products-Standard guide for microstructure of polymeric scafforlds.6.1.5绝大多数聚合物支架能经标准操作程序用环氧树...
YY/T 1545-2017.Evaluation of connection between haemodialysis concentrate and haemodialysis equipment.血液透析设备与透析浓缩液连接后,放置12h,透析浓缩液的碳酸氢...
YY/T 1525-20 17.Test kit for methamphetamine ( colloidal gold method ).4.5重复性用国家重复性参考品或经标化的重复性参考品进行检测.结果应均为阳性。4...
YY/T 1552-2017/ISO 16429 :2004.Implants for surgery- Measurements of open-circuit potential to assess corrosion behaviour of metallic implantable materials and medical devices over ...
YY/T 1521-2017.Technical requirements for sonoelasticity tissue-mimicking phantom.在超声弹性仿组织体模中,超声弹性图像形成设备能够正常显示应变、位移、弹...
YY/T 1576-2017.Tissue engineering medical device products- Standard practice for implantation assessment of absorbable/ resorbable biomaterials.5.1 选择实验动物要考虑动物的...
YY/T 1546-2017.Testing method for SPECT imaging based on CT-attenuation correction.YY/T 1546规定了用于SPECT成像的CT衰减校正的试验方法。YY/T 1546适用于SPECT/CT一体...
YY/T 1540-2017.Guide for the check of medical class I biological safety cabinets.人气流流速应在下降气流流速和流人气流流速实测值的士0.025 m/s之间,并可以校...
YY/T 1570-2017.Tissue engineering medical device products- Terminology,classification and nomination of skin substitute.3细胞活力3.1一些皮肤替代物的临床效果来自于细...