TB 10052-97.Technical specification for flexible pier railway bridge.1总则1.0.1为推广 和发展铁路柔性墩桥,统一设计、施工、验收和运营期间的技术要求,使...
TB 10051-97.Code for vane shear test of railway engineering fou ndation soil.1总则1.0.1为统一铁路工程地基土现场十字板剪切试验的技术要求和成果应用,制定...
TB 10046-96.Code for pressuremeter test of railway engineering foundation soil.1总则1.0.1为了统一铁路工程地基土旁压试验的技术要求,提高旁压试验质量,满足...
TB 10045-96.Sur veying regul ation for saline soils of railway engineering geology.1总则1. 0.1为了统一盐渍土工程地质工作的技术要求,提高勘测质量,适应铁路工...
TB 10044-98.CAD technical specification for railway engineering.1总则1.0.1 根据“国家CAD应用工程”的总体要求,提出适合于铁路工程的CAD标准化总体框架,...
TB 10042-95.Sur veying regulation for expansive soils of rail way engineering geology.1总则1.0.1为了统一膨胀土工程地质工作的技术要求,提高勘测质量,适应铁路...
TB 10036-2000.Code for design of railway SPC digital telephone switching engineering.1总则1.0.1为贯彻国家技术经济政策,统一铁路程控电话交换工程的设计要求...
TB 10026-2000.Code for design of railway optical fiber cable (cable) transmission engineering.1总则1.0.1为统一铁路通信光(电)缆传输工程的设计标准,使设计符合...
TB/T 3499-2018.Measuring instruments of coupler and draft gears for rolling stock-Measuring tools for coupler and draft gear of locomotive.1范围TB/T 3499规定了新造机车钩缓装...
TB/T 3500-2018.Crashworthiness requirements and verification specification for car body of EMU/DMU.1范围TB/T 3500主要规定了动车组的碰撞场景、被动安全要求与耐撞...