TB/T 2827-1997.Specification of test fixtures for catenary power supply fittings (parts) of electrified railway.1主题内容与适用范围1.1 TB/T 2827规定了电气化铁道接触...
TB/T 2826-1997.Technical specifications for electrified railway intensive shunt capacitors.1主题内容与适用范围TB/T 2826规定了交流电气化铁道密集型并联电容器...
TB/T 2825-1997.Reinforced concrete round pole for electric railway substation.1主题内容 与适用范围TB/T 2825规定了电气化铁道钢筋混凝土圆杆的产品分类,技术...
TB/T 2824-1997.Prestressed concrete round pole for electric railway substation.1主题内容 与适用范围TB/T 2824规定了电气化铁道预应力混凝土圆杆的产品分类、...
TB/T 2823-1997.The protection distance of AC electrified railway to TV turntable.1主题内容 与适用范围TB/T 2823规定了交流电气化铁道与电视差转台之间的防护距...
TB/T 2820.2-1997.Standard tunnel for deterioration assessment of railway bridge and tunnel buildings.1范围TB/T 2820.2规定了铁路隧道(以下简称隧道)衬砌结构裂损、衬...
TB/T 2820.1-1997.Standard steel beam for deterioration assessment of railway bridge and tunnel buildings.1范围TB/T 2820.1规定了铁路钢梁的劣化类型、劣化等级和评定...
TB/T 2819-1997.Test and evaluation method of seamless line quality state.1范围TB/T 2819规定了铁路无缝线路质量状态检测和评定方法。TB/T 2819适用于标准轨距铁...
TB/T 2818-1997.Classification and evaluation of railway roadbed diseases.1范围TB/T 2818规定了铁路路基病害的划分原则、病害类型、各种病害的定义及其主要特...
TB/T 2816.2-1997.Metallographic microscopic examination of axles of vehicles and coal- water trucks.1范围TB/T 2816.2规定了车辆和煤水车车轴显微检验的技术要求、试...