TB/T 2229-91.Technical specifications of vertical oil pressure damper test stand for railway locomotive and vehicle.1主要内容与适用范围TB/T 2229规定了铁道机车车辆用...
TB/T 2116.3-92.Railway freight operation standard Railway station LCL cargo operation.1适用范围TB/T 2116.3规定了零担货物作业程序、项目、作业内容和质量标准。...
TB/T 2059.7-2006.Methods for analysis of diesel locomotive coolants Part 7 :Determination of calcium and magnesium.1范围TB/T 2059.7规定了内燃机车冷却液中钙、镁离子总...
TB/T 2059.4-2006.Methods for analysis of diesel locomotive coolants Part 4: Determination of benzotriazole.1范围TB/T 2059.4规定了内燃机车冷却液中苯骈三氮唑测定的原...
TB/T 2836-1997.Classification test method for fire performance of wire and cable for railway vehicles.1范围TB/T 2836根据电线电缆在火中的特性而将其进行了分类,并指...
TB/T 2835-1997.Basic requirements for railway heavy duty train wagons.1范围TB/T 2835规定了新设计铁道重载列车用货车的基本要求。TB/T 2835适用于牵引总重为...
TB/T 2833-1997.Technical conditions for catenary grounding of electrified railway.1主题内容与适用范围TB/T 2833规定了电气化铁道接触网接地的基本要求及方法。...
TB/T 2830-1997.Main transformer junction type and phase sequence rotation mode of traction substation.1主题内容与适用范围TB/T 2830规定了牵引变电所主变压器不同结...
TB/T 2829-1997.Traction current voltage substation commonly used definitions and calculation methods.1主题内容与适用范围TB/T 2829规定了牵引变电所常用电流、电压...
TB/T 2828-1997.Electrified railway traction | network impedance calculation method.1主题内容与适用范围TB/T 2828规定了不同供电方式的牵引网阻抗计算方法,本标...