SJ/T 10776-1996.Detail specificat ion for elect ronic components Fixed ceramic dielect ric capacitors type CT1 Assessment level E.1一般数据1.1推荐的安装方法1.1.1a式和c式...
SJ/T 10773-1996.Detail specification for electronic components Bipolar transistors for sw itching amplification of types 3DK 106A、3DK 106B.6标志6.1器件 上的标志,a.产品型...
SJ/T 10772-1996.Detail specification for electronic components Bipolar transistors for ambient - rated low and high frequency amplification of type 3DG 201C.本标准适用于3 DG20...
SJ/T 10771-1996.Detail specification for electronic components Bipolar transistors for ambient-rated low and high frequency amplification of types 3DG111B、3DG111C、3 DG111E、3DG...
SJ/T 10770-1996.Detail specification for electronic components Bipolar transistors for ambient-rated low and high- frequency and sw itching amplification of types 3DG 130.3DG111、3...
SJ/T 10783-1996.Detail specification for electronic com ponent-Semiconductor integrated circuit-CD7176CP sound IF amplifier and C D7609CP horizontal and vertical sweep circuit.本规范...
SJ/T 10782-1996.Detail specification for electronic componentsColour picture tube of type 56S X101Y 22-DC 03.7订货资料订货方应在订货单上准确地填写以下内容:a.所...
SJ/T 10781-1996.Detail specification for elec tronic compone nts Colour picture tube of type37S X101Y 22- DC 01 56S X101 Y22- DC03.本标准适用于37SX 101 Y 22-DC01型彩色显象管...
SJ/T 10779-1996.Detail specification for electronic co mponents Silicon fast - switching rectifier diode for type 2CN41.本标准适用于2C N41型硅快开关整流二极管,它是按...
SJ/T 10777-1996.Detail spec ification for elec tronic components Fixed ceramic dielec tric capacitors, type CC1 Assessment level E.对小电容量温度系数允许偏差所乘的系数...