SJ/T 11486-2015.Technical specification for low power light-emitting diode chips.1范围SJ/T 11486规定了小功率半导体发光二极管芯片(以下简称芯片)的技术要求、...
SJ/T 11485-2015.LED type naming rules.1范围SJ/T 11485规定了发光二极管器件产品(简称LED器件产品)型号的命名规则。SJ/T 11485适用于可见光LED器件产品,...
SJ/T 11484-2015.Aluminum doped zinc oxide type transparent conductive oxide coated glass.1范围SJ/T 11484规定了掺铝氧化锌型透明导电氧化物玻璃的术语、定义、材...
SJ/T 11483-2014.Electrodeposited copper foil for lithium ion battery.1范围SJ/T 11483规定了锂离子电池用电解铜箔(以下简称锂电铜箔)的分类、外观、尺寸、各...
SJ/T 11495-2015.Guide to conversion factors for interstitial oxygen in silicon.前言本标准按照GB/T 1.1-2009制定的规则起草。请注意本文件的某些内容可能涉及专...
SJ/T 11493-2015.Test method for measuring nitrogen concentration in silicon substrates by secondary ion mass spectrometry.1范围SJ/T 11493规定了用二次离子质谱法(SIMS) 对硅...
SJ/T 11492-2015.Test methods for measurement of composition of gallium arsenide phosphide wafers by photoluminescence.1范围SJ/T 11492规定了采用光致发光测试系统对表面...
SJ/T 11494-2015.Test methods for photoluminescence analysis of single crystal silicon for III-V impurities.1范围SJ/T 11494规定了硅单晶中硼、磷杂质的光致发光测试方...
SJ/T 11491-2015.Test methods for measurement of interstitial oxygen content in silicon by short baseline infared absorption spectrometry.1范围SJ/T 11491规定了用短基线红外光...
SJ/T 11498-2015.Test method for measuring oxygen contarmination in heavily doped silicon substrates by secondary ion mass spectrometry.1范围SJ/T 11498规定了用二次离子质谱法...