SJ/T 31387-2016.Constant damp and hot test equipment requirements of readiness and methods of inspection assessment.1范围SJ/T 31387规定了恒定湿热试验设备的完好要求和...
SJ/T 31128-2016.Near infrared thick film sintering furnace requirements of readiness and methods of inspection assessment.1范围SJ/T 31128规定了近红外厚膜烧结炉完好要求...
SJ/T 31083-2016.Vacuum coating equipment requirements of readiness and methods of inspection assessment.1范围SJ/T 31083规定了真空镀膜设备的完好要求和检查评定方法...
SJ/T 11696.1-2017.Electronics and information product realization Quality management Part 1: Design and development.前言本部分按照GB/T 1.1- -2009给出的规则起草。本部分...
SJ/T 11694.1-2017.Interactive electronic whiteboard technology specification Part 1: Infrared interactive electronic whiteboard.前言SJ/T 11694《交互式电子白板技术规范》...
SJ/Z 2808-2015.Thermal design of printed board assembly.1范围SJ/Z 2808规定了电子设备中印制板组装件在自然冷却和强迫风冷状态下的热设计。SJ/Z 2808适用...
SJ/T 31451-2016.Compressed air pipeline requirements of readiness and methods of inspection and assessment.1范围SJ/T 31451规定了压缩空气管道的完好要求和检查评定方...
SJ/T 31450-2016.Oxygen pipeline requirements of readiness and methods of inspection and assessment.1范围SJ/T 31450规定了氧气输送管道的完好要求和检查、评定方法。...
SJ/T 31449-2016.Oil pipeline requirements of readiness and methods of inspection and assessment.1范围SJ/T 31449规定了供油管道的完好要求和检查评定方法。SJ/T 314...
SJ/T 31448-2016.Water pipeline requirements of readiness and methods of inspection and assessment.1范围SJ/T 31448规定了供水(给水)及回水管道的完好要求和检查评定...