HJ 954-2018.Technical specification for application and issuance of pollutant permit Ceramics, fried brick and tile industry.1适用范围HJ 954规定了陶瓷工业、砖瓦工业、...
HJ 946-2018.Self-monitoring technology guidelines for pollution sources一Leather and fur mak ing industry.1适用范围HJ 946提出了制革及毛皮加工工业排污单位自行监...
HJ 947-2018.Self-monitoring technology guidelines for pollution sources-Petroleum chemistry industry.1适用范围HJ 947提出了石油化学工业排污单位自行监测的一般要...
HJ 948.1-2018.Self-monitoring technology guidelines for pollution sources Chemical fertilizer industry-nitrogenous fertilizer.1适用范围HJ 948.1提出了氮肥工业排污单位自...
HJ 949-2018.Technical specification for investigation on infiltration factor of ambient particulate matter (PM2.5) for civil buildings.1适用范围HJ 949规定了民用建筑环境空...
HJ 1009-2019.Technical specification for operation of radiation environmental air automatic monitoring station.1适用范围HJ 1009规定了辐射环境空气自动监测站的组成和...
HJ 2304-2018.Guideline on available technologies of pollution prevention and control for ceramics manufacturing industry.1适用范围HJ 2304提出了陶瓷工业企业废气、废水...
HJ 1005-2018.Ambient air-Determination of cations (Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+) in precipitation-Ion chromatography.1适用范围HJ 1005规定了测定降水中阳离子(Na+、 NH4+、...
HJ 2060-2018.Technical specifications for waste gas control of copper smelting.1适用范围HJ 2060规定了铜冶炼废气治理工程设计、施工、验收、运行和维护等技...
HJ 945.1-2018.Technical guideline for the development of national air pollutant emission standards.1适用范围HJ 945.1规定了制订固定污染源大气污染物排放标准的基...