本实施指南推荐了4K超高清电视节目拍摄制作方法与流程,本文涉及的4K超高清电视节目技术参数为3840X2160/50P/10bit,BT2020色域, HLG/PQ HDR.
GY/T 155-2000 高清晰度电视节目制作及交换用视频参数值(TTU-R BT.709-3,
Parameter values for the HDTV standards for production and intemational programme exchange, MOD)
GY/T 307-2017 超高清晰度电视系统节目制作和交换参数值(ITU-R BT.2020-2,Parameter values for ultra-high definition television systems for production and intemational programme exchange,MOD)
GY/T 315-2018高动态范围电视节目制作和交换图像参数值(ITU-R BT.2100-1, Image parameter values for high dynamic range television for use in production and intemational programme exchange,MOD)
GY/T 326-2019监视器亮度和对比度校准用PLUGE测试信号规范及校准步骤(ITU-R BT.814-4,Specifications of PLUGE test signals and alignment procedures for setting of brightness and contrast of displays, MOD)
ITU-R BT.1886 Reference electro-optical transfer function for flat panel displays used in HDTV studio production, HDTV演播室制作中使用的平板显示器参考电光转换特性(EOTF)
ITU-R BT.2390-7 High dynamic range television for production and intemational programme exchange,高动态范围电视节目制作和国际交换
ITU-R BT2111-1 Specification of colour bar test pattern for high dynamic range television systems,高动态范围电视系统彩条测试信号
ITU-R BT2446-0 Methods for conversion of high dynamic range content to standard dynamic range content and vice-versa, HDR和SDR内容相互转换方法