GA/T 1162-2014.Specifications for collection, preservation and delivery of forensic biologic samples.1范围GA/T 1162规定了法医生物物证检材的提取保存与送检方法。...
GA/T 1073-2013.HS-GC examination methods for ethanol, methanol , nr propanol,aldehyde , acetone,isopropanol and n-butanol in blood and urine.1范围GA/T 1073规定了生物样品血液...
GA/T 1054.6-2017.Qualifiers for data elements of public security (6).1范围GA/T 1054.6规定了30 个公安数据元限定词。GA/T 1054.6适用于公安信息化建设、应用和管...
GA/T 1048.1-2013.Requirements for translation of standards from Chinese into English-Part 1:Terminology.1范围GA/T 1048.1规定了公共安全行业的标准术语汉译英的原则和...
GA/T 1039-2012.Guidelines for firemen psychological trainings.1范围GA/T 1039规定了消防员心理训练的训练目的及原则、训练组织、训练场所与设施要求、训...
GA/T 1034-2012.Documentation of fire investigation archives.1范围GA/T 1034规定了火灾事故调查案卷的术语和定义,案卷分类,案卷内容,封面、目录、页号和备...
GA/T 1028.4-2012.General technical specifications for driving test systems-Part 4 : Road driving test systems.1范圈GA/T 1028.4规定了机动车驾驶人道路驾驶技能考试系统...
GA/T 1023-2013.1范围GA/T 1023规定了视频中人像检验的步骤和方法。GA/T 1023适用于法庭科学领城声像资料鉴定中的视频中人像检验鉴定技术。2术语...
GA/T 974.27-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 27 :Codes for basic emergency rescue process.1范围GA/T 974.27规定了抢险救援基本程序代码。GA/T 974.27适用于公安...
GA/T 974.21-2011.Codes for the fire information-Part 21 :Condition codes for fire fighting and emergency evacuation plan of social unit.1范围GA/T 974.21规定了社会单位灭火和...