DL/T 1774-2017.Guide for bursting energy test of power capacitor shell.1范围DL/T 1774规定了电力电容器外壳耐受爆破能量的试品要求、试验方法、试验回路及...
DL/T 1771-2017.Function specification of percentage difference protection.1范围DL/T 1771规定了比率差动保护功能的基本技术要求、技术参数、试验方法等。D...
DL/T 1770-2017.Code of water conveyance system flling and drainage for pumped storage power station.1范围DL/T 1770规定了抽水蓄能电站输水系统的充排水程序和技术要...
DL/T 1762-2017.Technical guide of welding-for transmission line steel tube tower.1范围DL/T 1762规定了钢管塔的设计、制造和维修过程中的焊接技术要求。DL/T 1...
DL/T 1760-2017.Guide for witness check of reversible hydropower unit and auxiliaries.1范围DL/T 1760规定了抽水蓄能电站水泵水轮机、发电电动机、进出水阀、水泵...
DL/T 1755-2017.Calculating method of energy saving for coal-fired power plant.1范围DL/T 1755规定了燃煤电厂在役机组采用各项节能技术措施前节能量预测和采用...
DL/T 1750-2017.Maintenance and repair specification for horizontal natural circulation heat recovery steam generator of gas turbine combined cycle unit.1范围DL/T 1750规定了燃气...
DL/T 1726-2017.Technical specification of wall bushings for UHVDC system.1范围DL/T 1726规定了特高压直流穿墙套管的使用条件、性能、试验、安装等方面的技术...
DL/T 1720-2017.Technical guide for helicopter live working on overheand transmission line.1范围DL/T 1720规定了500kV~1000kV交流和士500kV直流架空输电线路直升机带电...
DL/T 1709.10-2017.Smart grid dispatching and control system specification Part 10: Hardware device testing.1范围DL/T 1709.10规定了智能电网调度控制系统硬件设备的物...