DL/T 1943-2018.Technical specification for field inspection of merging unit.1范围DL/T 1943规定了模拟量输入式合并单元现场检验的内容、要求与方法。DL/T 194...
DL/T 1933.5-2018.Implementation standard of information technology of plastic optical fiber-Part 5: Fiber cabling requirements.1范围DL/T 1933.5规定了电力通信塑料光纤工程...
DL/T 1899.1-2018.Closure for aerial optical cables along electrical power lines Part 1: Closure for optical fiber composite overhead ground wire.1范围DL/T 1899.1规定了光纤复合...
DL/T 1891-2018.Double tooth-roller crusher for coal-fired power plant.1范围DL/T 1891规定了火力发电厂双齿辊碎煤机的型式与基本参数、技术要求、试验方法、...
DL/T 1887-2018.Safety code of operation of aggregate crusher forhydropower and water resources engineering.1总则1.0.1 DL/T 1887规范水电水利工程砂石破碎机械安全操作...
DL/T 1795-2017.Code of operation for VSC-HVDC substation.1范围DL/T 1795规定了柔性直流输电换流站设备的运行、维护、异常及故障处理的一般要求和方法。...
DL/T 1793-2017.Technical guide of supervision for manufacturingequipment of voltage source converter based HVDC transmission.1范围DL/T 1793规定了柔性直流输电工程用设备...
DL/T 1788-2017.Field calibrating specifications for HVDC instrument transformers.1范围DL/T 1788规定了高压直流互感器的计量性能、校验条件、校验项目和方法、...
DL/T 1785-2017.Directive for X-ray digital radiography of electric power equipment.1范围DL/T 1785规定了电力设备X射线数字成像检测的检测人员、检测系统、安全...
DL/T 1777-2017.Technical specifications for fiber loop of smart substation secondary equipment cabinet.1范围DL/T 1777规定了智能变电站继电保护、测控、交换机等二次...