DL/T 916-2005.Determination of acidity in sulphur hexafluoride.1范围DL/T 916规定了六氟化硫气体酸度的测定方法。DL/T 916适用于电气设备用六氟化硫气体酸度...
DL/T 915-2005.Determination of humidity in sulphur hexafluoride by electrolysis method.1范围DL/T 915规定了六氟化硫气体湿度的测定方法(电解法)。DL/T 915适用于电...
DL/T 890.552-2014.Energy management system application program interface (EMS-APD) Part 552: CIMXML model exchange format.1范围DL 890标准定义了能量管理系统应用程序接...
DL/T 890.456-2016.Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) Part 456: Solved power system state profiles.1范围DL/T 890.456属于DL 890.450~499系列,该系列...
DL/T 958-2005.Terminology of fuel for power plant.1范围DL/T 958规定了电力燃料名词术语的名称、英文译名及定义。DL/T 958适用于电力燃料的技术标准、技...
DL/T 919-2005.Determination of mineral oil content in sulphur hexafluoride by infrared spectrum method.1范围DL/T 919给出了六氟化硫气体中矿物油(不含合成润滑油)含...
DL/T 5210.3-2009.Code for construction quality acceptance andevaluation of electric power construct Part 3: turbine generator unit.1范围DL/T 5210.3的本部分规定了火力发电工...
DL/T 5210. 1-2005.Code for construction quality acceptance and evaluation of el ectric power construct.1范围DL/T 5210. 1规定了火力发电厂土建工程的施工质量检查、验...
DL/T 890.453-2012.Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API)- Part 453: CIM Based Graphics I Exchange.1范围本部分是DL 890 450~499系列标准中的一部分...
DL 5009.3-2013.Code of safety operation in power engineering construction Part 3: substation.1总则1.0.1DL 5009.3规定了变电站( 含开关站、换流站)施L过程中为确保施...