DL/T 935-2005.Pipes and fittings of steel lined with plastics.1范围DL/T 935规定了DN 25mm~DN 500mm钢塑复合管和管件尺寸系列、公差、使用环境、技术要求、检...
DL/T 934-2005.The rule for measuring and evaluating thermal insulation of thermal power plant.1范围DL/T 934规定了火力发电厂机组投入运行后的保温工程热态考核测...
DL/T 933-2005.Test methods for determining the performance of cooling tower of transfer packing, drift eliminator and sprayer.1范围DL/T 933规定了试验室冷却塔淋水填料的...
DL/T 932-2005.Guide of operation and maintenance for the condenser and vacuum system of power plant.1范围DL/T 932规定了火力发电厂表面式水冷凝汽器和真空系统运行...
DL/T 931-2005.The rule of physico-chemical personnel qualificationin electric power industry.1范围DL/T 931规定了电力行业理化检验人员资格考核和认证的程序,适用...
DL/T 930-2005.Technical guide of the ultrasoic testing ofturbine nonbore rotors.1范围DL/T 930规定了火力发电厂整锻式汽轮机实心转子体超声波检验的基本要求、...
DL/T 923-2016.The technical guide of check valves for thermal power plant.1范围DL/T 923规定了火力发电用止回阀的分类、设计、材料、制造、试验、检验和验收...
DL/T 922-2005.Guide rule of order and acceptance for general steel valves used in thermal power plant.1范围DL/T 922规定了火力发电用钢制通用阀门的选型、订货和验...
DL/T 918-2005.Determination of hydrolysable fuoride content in sulphur hexafluoride.1范围DL/T 918给出了六氟化硫气体中可水解氟化物含量的比色测定方法和电极...
DL/T 917-2005.Determination of density of sulphur hexafluoride.1范围.DL/T 917给出了六氟化硫气体密度的测定方法。DL/T 917适用于电气设备用六氟化硫气体密...