DL/T 968-2005.Code of start-up completion acceptance for HVDC transmission project.1范围DL/T 968规定了高压直流输电工程启动及竣工验收各阶段有关单位的职责和...
DL/T 967-2005.Verification regulation of loop resistance tester andDC resistance high-speed tester.1范围DL/T 967规定了回路电阻测试仪与直流电阻快速测试仪的计量...
DL/T 966-2005.Technical guide for live working in transmission line.1范围DL/T 966规定了作业方式、最小安全距离和组合间隙、绝缘I具的最小有效绝缘长度,...
DL/T 965-2005.Essential criteria for the operation of bodies performing thermal eqwipments inspection.1范围.1.1DL/T 965规定 了电力行业热力设备检验机构能力的基本要...
DL/T 964-2005.Performance test code for circulating fluidized bed boiler.1范围DL/T 964规定了循环流化床(CFB)锅炉性能试验的方法。DL/T 964适用于蒸发量为35t/h...
DL/T 963-2005.General technical specifications of the transformation ratio tester.1范围DL/T 963规定了变压器变压比测试仪的产品技术要求、试验方法、检验规则...
DL/T 962-2005.General technical specifications of the high voltage dieletric loss detector.1范围DL/T 962规定了采用数字测量技术自动测量的高压介质损耗测试仪...
DL/T 961-2005.Power grid dispatching glossary.1范围DL/T 961规定了各级调度机构及其所调度管辖的发电厂、变电站、换流站、开关站、串补站等(以下简称...
DL/T 960-2005.Order specifications for continuous emissions monitoring systems of flue gas emitted from coal-fired power plants.1范围DL/T 960规定了燃煤电厂烟气排放连续监...
DL/ T 959-2014 .The code of safety valves for power station boilers.1范围DL/ T 959规定了电站锅炉安全阀的基本技术要求DL/ T 959适用于电站锅炉以蒸汽为介质...