DL/T 989-2005.Reliability evaluation code for DC power transmission system.1范围DL/T 989规定了直流输电系统可靠性的统计办法和评价指标。DL/T 989适用于我国境...
DL/T 988-2005.Methods of measurement of power frequency electric field and magnetic field from high voltage overhead power transmission line and substation.1范围DL/T 988规定了高...
DL/T 987-2005.General technical conditions of resistive current tester for zinc oxide surge arrester.1范围DL/T 987规定了交流无间隙氧化锌避雷器阻性电流测试仪的技...
DL/T 985-2012.Guide for determining energy efficiency for distribution transformers.1范围DL/T 985规定了分析比较配电变压器能效的技术经济评价方法。DL/T 985适用...
DL/T 986-2016.Technical specification for performance test of wet flue gas desulphurization.1范围DL/T 986规定了湿法烟气脱硫工艺性能检测的内容、流程和方法。...
DL/T 984-2005.Guide for the diagnosis of insulation aging in oil-immersed power transformer.1范围DL/T 984推荐了油浸式变压器绝缘老化程度的判断方法和判据。DL...
DL/T 983-2005.Rules of steam moisture measurement for nuclear power plant.1范围DL/T 983规定了核电厂蒸汽发生器的蒸汽湿度和至汽轮机回热加热器的抽汽湿度以...
DL/T 982-2005.Maintenance adjustment guide for nuclear power plant steam-water piping and supports.1范围DL/T 982规定了商业用途压水堆核电厂核级和非核级汽水管道...
DL/T 980-2005.Verification regulation of digital multimeter.1范围DL/T 980规定了数字多用表的技术要求、检定条件、检定项目和检定方法。DL/T 980适用于具有...
DL/T 979-2005.Verification regulation of high voltage D.C. resistance box.1范围DL/T 979规定了直流高压高阻箱(以下简称高阻箱)的计量性能要求、通用技术要求...