DL/T 5045-2006 英文版 火力发电厂灰渣筑坝设计规范
标准号:DL/T 5045-2006 英文版
英文名称:Code for Design of Ash and SlagDamming of Fossil FuelPower Plants
标准介绍:This code specifies the principles and criteria that shall be followedwhen using ash and slag damming technique to design dam bodies inwet-type ash storage yards of coal-fired power plants
This code is applicable not only to the design of ash dams of valley ash yards that employ hydraulic ash handling technique, butalso to the design of ash embankments in ash yards on the beaches ofrivers, lakes and sea(hereinafter referred to as beach ash yard)andash yards on plains. It is not applicable to the design of dry-type ashstorage yards
The provisions specified herein for ash dams are also applicable to ash embankments, unless specifically prescribed otherwise.