CB/T 4154-2011 Marine simplified and selected series for stainless steel pipes.1范围CB/T 4154规定了船用不锈钢管的尺寸、壁厚及重量。CB/T 4154适用于船舶管系常...
CB/T 4153-2011 The launching strength calculations for undecked ship.1范围CB/T 4153规定了船舶无甲板纵向下水计算的技术资料准备、计算内容及方法。CB/T 4...
CB/T 4152-2011 Direct calculation method of inclined lifting passage construction.1范围CB/T 4152规定了自卸船斜提升通道的计算方法和强度衡准等。CB/T 4152适用于...
CB/T 4127-2011 Incorporate fixing technics of hatch covers, platforms and deck-stanchions for container vessel.1范围CB/T 4127规定了集装箱船沧口警绑扎桥和舷边支柱一...
CB/T 4137.1-2011 Marine blocks for fibre ropes-Part 1: W ooden shell blocks.1范围CB/T 4137.1规定了船用纤维索滑车的木车(简称木壳滑车)的分类和标记、要求、...
CB/T 4133-2011 Marine fireproof windows.1范围CB/T 4133规定了船用耐火窗(简称耐火配)的分奖和标记、要求、试验方法、检验规则及标志、包装和运输。...
CB/T 4130-2011 Heater for liquefied petroleum gas tanker.1范围CB/T 4130规定了集装箱船枪口新1期批桥和舷边支柱- -体化安装的基本要求、安装前的准备和安...
CB/T 4126-2011 Installation technology of guide rails for container ship.1范围CB/T 4126规定了集装箱船导轨架(贷称导领架)的安装条件、安装工具和工装、安装...
CB/Z 20010-2012 Calculation method of structural slamming strength for landing ship.1范围CB/Z 20010规定了登陆舰艇结构砰击强度计算方法。CB/Z 20010适用于主船体...
CB/Z 281-2011 Guidelines for selection and usage ur gaskels and suiung in vessel piping system.1范围CB/Z 281规定了船舶管路系统用垫开和填料的类型、适用介质及垫...