CB/T 4170-2011 signal ticker of light in ships.1范围CB/T 4170规定了船用灯光信只断续器座下简称断续器)分类、安求、检验方法、检验规则、标志、包装...
CB/T 4169-2011 Navigational light controller (board).1范围CB/T 4169规定了船用航行信号打控制器任箱) (以下简称控制器) 分类、要求、检验方法、检验规则...
CB/T 4168-2011 Specifcations of ballast tanks painting for ship.1范围CB/T 4168规定了船舶压载舱銅材表而处理.结构性处理、分段深装总组涂装、 船台(船坞...
CB/T 4167-2011 Electric bell、alarm bell and tone bell in ships.1范围CB/T 4167-规定了船用电气电铃警钟和音器(简称音响信号器)的分类、要求、检验方法、...
CB/T 4166-2011 DC whistle.1范围CB/T 4166规定了直流电笛(简称为电审上的分类、要求、检验方法、检验规则、标志、包装和贮存。CB/T 4166适用于船舶...
CB/T 4164-2011 Marine compound self-closing valve.1范围CB/T 4164规定了法兰连接尺寸按GB/T 5605 GB/T 2501的船用组合式放泄阀(以下简称放泄阀)的分类和标记...
CB/T 4163-2011 Technical requirements of repairing and inspecting for crude oil tank washing machine of oil tanker.1范围CB/T 4163规定了油船原油洗舱机(以原行或海水为...
CB/T 4162-2011 Technical requirements of repairing for steel door on ship.1范围CB/T 4162规定了船舶钢质门的物验、低息、检验和试验的技术要求。CB/T 4162适用...
CB/T 4161-2011 Requirement for the repair of anchor chain.1范围CB/T 4161规定了船用锚链勘验修理、验与验收等技术要求。CB/T 4161适用于船用电焊铀链租待钢...
CB/T 4160-2011 Requirement for the repair of anchor.1范围CB/T 4160规定了船用锚的勘验,修理、监验与验收等技术要求。CB/T 4160适用于各类常用销的经聘。...