UL 1042 STANDARD FOR SAFETY Electric Baseboard Heating Equipment
UL 1042 STANDARD FOR SAFETY Electric Baseboard Heating Equipment
1.1These requirements cover portable and fixed electric baseboard heating equipment rated at 600volts or less, to be employed in ordinary locations in accordance with the National Electrical Code,ANSI/NFPA 70.
1.2 Baseboard heating equipment includes baseboard heaters and baseboard heater accessories.
1.3 Electric baseboard heating equipment intended for use in a hazardous location is judged on thebasis of compliance with the requirements in this standard, together with those recognized requirementsapplicable to usage in hazardous locations.
1.4 Any air heating appliance sold or recommended for use as a baseboard heater, irrespective of itsdimensions or other characteristics, is to be identified as a baseboard heater. lt will be categorized as afixed or portable baseboard heater in accordance with the following:
a)Fixed - A heater is identified as a fixed baseboard heater if:
1)The heater is less than 6 in (150 mm) in overall depth, the ratio of the overall length to theoverall height is more than two to one, and the heater can be installed completely within aspace of 18 in (460 mm) above the floor; or
2) The heater enclosure is intended to be connected to other heater enclosures to form asystem.
Exception: A heater intended for ceiling mounting or suspended mounting or marked "DoNot Install Less Than 6Feet From Floor" is not considered to be a baseboard heater even ifit meets the specifications in (1) or (2)above.
b)Portable- A portable heater is identified as a baseboard heater if, excluding projections of guardor feet, it is less than 5 in (130 mm) in depth and if the ratio of its overall length to its height withoutthe handle is as follows: