UL 2556 STANDARD FOR SAFETY Wire and Cable Test Methods
UL 2556 STANDARD FOR SAFETY Wire and Cable Test Methods
1 Scope
1.1 This standard describes the apparatus, test methods, and formulas to be used in carrying out thetests and calculations required by wire and cable standards.
1.2Specific acceptance requirements are found in individual product standards.
1.3 Where a test method indicates a "specified" test parameter or condition, the parameter or condition isfound in the individual product standard.
2.1Units of measure
The unit of measure shall be Sl. lf a value for measurement is followed by a value in other units inparentheses, the second value represents a direct conversion or an alternative value. Except forconductor size, the first stated value is the requirement.
2.2Normative references
Where reference is made to any Standards, such reference shall be considered to refer to the latesteditions and revisions thereto available at the time of printing, unless otherwise specified.
ANCE(Association of Standardization and Certification)
ln Mexico,NMX-J-556-ANCE is organized with the same clause numbering as UL 2556/CSA C22.2 No.2556.Separate ANCE standards are published for test methods not covered in NMX-J-556-ANCE.AnnexJ provides a list of the harmonized NMX test method standards that apply to each test method.
Wires and Cables - Determination of the Moisture Absortion in Insulations of Electrical Conductors - TestMethod
Wires and Cables - Determination of Diameter and Crosssectional Area of Electrical Conductors - TestMethd
Wires and cables - Determination of the resistance to fire propagation on electrical conductors - Test