UL 697 STANDARD FOR SAFETY Toy Transformers
UL 697 STANDARD FOR SAFETY Toy Transformers
1.1These requirements cover toy transformers designed to be used on nominal 120-V branch circuits.Atoy transformer is a step-down isolating transformer of the low-secondary-voltage type. It is intendedprimarily to supply current to electrically operated toys, and as such is expected to be subjected tocareless use and probable short circuit of the secondary terminals.Accordingly, the design of a toytransformer takes into consideration the rather unusual risk of fire that may be involved,and theconstruction is made to reduce the risk of fire with respect to the ignition of nearby combustible material asthe result of overheating or eventual inoperative condition of the transformer itself.
1.2These requirements do not cover toys or the like designed to operate from the secondary output of atoy transformer.
1.3Toy transformers marked "Class 2" are evaluated to the requirements in the Standard for Class 2Power Units, UL 1310, and to the requirements in this Standard.
2 Components
2.1 Except as indicated in 2.2, a component of a product covered by this standard shall comply with therequirements for that component. See Appendix A for a list of standards covering components generallyused in the products covered by this standard.
2.2A component is not required to comply with a specific requirement that:
a) Involves a feature or characteristic not required in the application of the component in theproduct covered by this standard, or
b)ls superseded by a requirement in this standard.
2.3 A component shall be used in accordance with its rating established for the intended conditions ofuse.
2.4 Specific components are incomplete in construction features or restricted in performancecapabilities. Such components are intended for use only under limited conditions,such as certaintemperatures not exceeding specified limits, and shall be used only under those specific conditions.
3 Units of Measurement
3.1 Values stated without parentheses are the requirement. Values in parentheses are explanatory orapproximate information.