UL 8750 STANDARD FOR SAFETY Light Emitting Diode (LED)Equipmentfor Use in Lighting Products
UL 8750 STANDARD FOR SAFETY Light Emitting Diode (LED)Equipmentfor Use in Lighting Products
1 Scope
1.1These requirements cover LED equipment that is an integral part of a luminaire or other lightingequipment.These requirements cover components including LED drivers, controllers, arrays (modules),and packages as defined within this standard.
1.1.0 LED equipment covered by this standard are intended for operation in the visible light spectrumbetween 400 - 700 nm.Coherent light sources (e.g.laser sources) are not covered by this standard.
Exception No.1:LED packages as described in Supplement SD may have applications other than generalillumination and may operate outside of the visible light spectrum.
Exception No. 2: Special Use LED arrays as described in Supplement SJ have intended applications otherthan general illumination and may operate outside of the visible light spectrum.
1.1.1 Deleted
1.1.2 Deleted
1.1.3 These requirements do not cover LED controllers within the scopes of the following standards:
a) Standard for Safety for Plug-In Locking Type Photocontrols for Use with Area Lighting, UL 773,or
b) Standard for Safety for Solid-State Dimming Controls, UL 1472.
1.2These lighting products are intended for installation on branch circuits of 600 V nominal or less inaccordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC),ANSINFPA 70, and for connection to isolated (non-utility connected) power sources such as generators, batteries, fuel cells, solar cells, and the like.
1.3 LED equipment is utilized in lighting products that comply with the end-product standards listedbelow. The requirements in this standard are intended to supplement those in other end-productstandards.Included are:
a) Electric Signs, UL 48,
b) Portable Electric Luminaires, UL 153,
c) Underwater Luminaires and Submersible Junction Boxes, UL 676,d)Emerqency Liqhtinq and Power Equipment, UL 924,