IEC 60417-1:2000 GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS FOR USE ON EQUIPMENT-Part 1: overview and application
IEC 60417-1:2000 GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS FOR USE ON EQUIPMENT-Part 1: overview and application
1 scope
This part of lEC 60417 contains graphical symbols and their meaning (title and application).The graphical symbols in the standard are primarily intended
.to identify the equipment or a part of the equipment (e.g. a control or display);.to indicate functional states (e.g. on, off,alarm);
to designate connections (e.g. terminals, filling points for materials);
.to provide information on packaging (e.g. identification of content, instructions for handling);.to provide instruction for the operation of the equipment (e.g. limitations of use).
This part 1 provides reference information to help users find appropriate graphical symbols.This part is not intended for reproduction purposes.
The graphical symbols specified in this standard are not primarily intended for. safety signs;
public information;use for drawings;
.use in technical documentation of products.
ln the case of the use of graphical symbols as safety signs, the rules specified in lSO 3864prevail.