IEC 62368-3:2017 AUDIO/VIDEO, INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT-Part 3: Safety aspects for DC power transferthrough communication cables and ports
IEC 62368-3:2017 AUDIO/VIDEO, INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT-Part 3: Safety aspects for DC power transferthrough communication cables and ports
1 scope
This part of lEC 62368 applies to equipment intended to supply and receive operating powerthrough communication cables or ports. It covers particular requirements for circuits that aredesigned to transfer DC power from a power sourcing equipment(PSE) to a powereddevice (PD).
The power transfer uses voltages at ES1 or ES2 or in very specific cases voltage levels atES3.
NOTE1 ES1 can generally be assumed to have similar limits as non-hazardous voltage definitions used in otherstandards (for example, sEiLv,PELV).
NOTE 2 ES2 can generally be assumed to have similar limits for single fault conditions as non-hazardousvoltage definitions used in other standards.
NOTE 3 PS2 circuits are generally expected to provide less than 100 w to an undefined load under both normaloperating conditions and single fault conditions.
- For power transfer using voltages at ES1: USB,PoE,ISDN So,etc.
- For power transfer using voltages at ES2: analogue telephone during ringing,ISDN U, etc.
- For power transfer using voltages at ES3: power feeding used by communications service providers and
utlities communication circuits (for example,RFT circuits,such as line powered HDSLx, SHDSLx,VDSLXand
NOTE 4 Any cable provided with a connector defined by an industry standard that permits DC power transferbetween equipment is considered a communication cable even if communication does not take place. For example,a usB cable can be used just to recharge a portable device battery.
This group safety publication is primarily intended to be used as a product safety standard for