IEC TR 61010-3:2003(E) SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTFOR MEASUREMENT,CONTROL,AND LABORATORY USE-Part 3: Protocol for the preparation of conformity verification reports for the IEC 61010 2nd edition series
IEC TR 61010-3:2003(E) SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTFOR MEASUREMENT,CONTROL,AND LABORATORY USE-Part 3: Protocol for the preparation of conformity verification reports for the IEC 61010 2nd edition series
1 scope
This part of lEC 61010 is a technical report,which provides a test protocol to assist withdetermining and recording verification of conformity of the equipment under test with thereference documents identified on the front cover of the appropriate report.
Conformity verification reports (CVRs) should only be used with the appropriate standards.
Individual report layouts reflecting the referenced documents are presented for each part ofthe lEC 61010 series in the form of a check list,together with the forms (where required) forreflecting the results of tests. Key words or phrases of the appropriate standard(s) are mainlyused, but in order to understand the full details of the requirements to be met when using aCVR, it is essential that test personnel refer to the appropriate standard(s). Where anydoubts arise, the requirements of standards take preference over the text of CVRs.
The part 2 standards indicate in their forewords which amendments (if any) are applicable toIEC 61010-1:20012nd edition.
Care should be taken to ensure that any potentially destructive testing is performed last in thesequence of testing, as determined by the tester.
Clauses or subclauses which are not applicable need not be included in the prepared report,provided that these omissions are indicated in the contents list of the report. An example of acontents list based on lEC 61010-1: 2001 is given in Annex A for a report on a specificproduct.