ISO 10006:2017(E) Quality management- Guidelines for quality management in projects
ISO 10006:2017(E) Quality management- Guidelines for quality management in projects
This document gives guidelines for the application of quality management in projects.
lt is applicable to organizations working on projects of varying complexity, small or large, of shortor long duration, being an individual project to being part of a programme or portfolio of projects, indifferent environments, and irrespective of the kind of product/service or process involved, with theintention of satisfying project interested parties by introducing quality management in projects. Thiscan necessitate some tailoring of the guidance to suit a particular project.
This document is not a guide to project management itself.Guidance on quality in project managementprocesses is presented in this document. Guidance on project management and related processes iscovered in lsO 21500.
This document addresses the concepts of both “quality management in projects"and“qualitymanagement systems in projects". These are distinguished by being addressed separately by thefollowing topics and clauses:
quality management in projects includes: quality management systems in projects (Clause 4);management responsibility in projects (Clause 5); resource management in projects (Clause 6);product/service realization in projects (Clause Z); and measurement, analysis and improvement inprojects (Clause 8y;
quality management systems in projectsincludes: project characteristics (4.1); quality managementprinciples in projects (4.2); project quality management processes (4.3); and a quality plan for theproject (4.4).
Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document. For dated references,only the edition cited applies.Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document(including any amendments) applies.ISo 9000:2015,Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary