ISOIEC 17020:2012(E) Conformity assessment— Requirements for the operation ofvarious types of bodies performing inspection
ISOIEC 17020:2012(E) Conformity assessment— Requirements for the operation ofvarious types of bodies performing inspection
1 Scope
This International Standard contains requirements for the competence of bodies performing inspection and forthe impartiality and consistency of their inspection activities.
lt applies to inspection bodies of type A,B or C, as defined in this International Standard, and it applies to anystage of inspection.
NOTE The stages of inspection include design stage, type examination,initial inspection, in-service inspection orsuirveillance,
2Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For datedreferences,only the edition cited applies. For undated references,the latest edition of the referenceddocument (including any amendments) applies.
ISOIEG 17000,Gonformity assessment — Vocabulary and general principles
3Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISOIEC 17000 and the following apply.
examination of a product (3.2), process (3.3), service (3.4), or installation or their design and determinationof its conformity with specific requirements or,on the basis of professional judgment,with generalrequirements
NOTE 1 Inspection of processes can include personnel, facilities, technology or methodology.NOTE2Inspection procedures or schemes can restrict inspection to examination only.
NOTE 3Adapted from ISoIEC 17000:2004, definition 4.3.
NOTE4 The term “iem" is used in this International Standard to encompass product, process,service or installation,as appropriate.