ISO/IEC 25000:2014(E) Systems and software engineering - Systems and softwareQuality Requirements and Evaluation (sQuaRE) — Guide tosQuaRE
ISO/IEC 25000:2014(E) Systems and software engineering - Systems and softwareQuality Requirements and Evaluation (sQuaRE) — Guide tosQuaRE
1 scope
This International Standard provides guidance for the use of the new series of International Standardsnamed Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE).The purpose of thisGuide is to provide a general overview of SQuaRE contents, common reference models and definitions,as well as the relationship among the documents, allowing users of the Guide a good understanding ofthose series of standards, according to their purpose of use.This International Standard also containsan explanation of the transition process between the old ISO/IEC 9126 and the lSO/IEC 14598 series andSQuaRE.
The SQuaRE series of International Standards is intended for, but not limited to, developers, acquirersand independent evaluators of systems and software products,particularly those responsible fordefining systems and software quality requirements and for systems and software product is recommended that users of SQuaRE as well as lSO/IEC 14598 and ISO/IEC 9126 series of standardsalso use this International Standard as a guide to execute their tasks.
There is no particular conformance clause for this document. Users, for their intended use of SQuaREseries of Standards should follow individual conformance clauses stated in each document of the series.
Normative references