ASTM E1086-14 Standard Test Method for Analysis of Austenitic Stainless Steel by Spark AtomicEmission Spectrometry
Designation: E1086-14 Standard Test Method for Analysis of Austenitic Stainless Steel by Spark AtomicEmission Spectrometry1
1. Scope
1.l This test mcthod3covers the analysis of austeniticstainless stcel by spark atomic cmission vacuum spectromctryfor the following clemcnts in the rangcs shown
Compositioen Hanga,%
170Do 23.0
0.01 to 3.0
0.01to 2.00.D1to 0.90
0.otto 0.300.005 to 0.25
0.003 to 0.0650.003 tO 0.15
1.2This test method is designed for the routine analysis ofchill-cast disks or inspection testing of stainless sleel simplesthat hawe a flan surface of at least 13 mm (0.5 in.) in dianeter.The samples must be sufliciently massive to prevent overhea-ing during the dischange and of a similar metallurgical condi-tion and composition as the reference materials.
1.3 One or more of the reference materials must closelyapproximate the composition of the specimen.The techniqueof analyzing reference matcrials with unknowns and pcrform-ing the indicated mathematical corrcctions may also be used tocorrect for interference effects and to compensate for errorsresulting from instrument drift.A varicty of such systems arecomnonly used. Any of these that will achieve analyticalaccuracy equivalent to that reported for this test method areacceptable.
l.4 This starsdard does nor purpor o address all of thesafety cowIcers.ifany, associcred with its wse. Ir is theresporasibiliry of rhe uaser of this standard to establishr appro-pricre sefety anvd healthe poractices cerd deternrainte the applica-bilisy of regulatovy liitatiors orior vo sse,
E1086-14 Standard Test Method for Analysis of Austenitic Stainless Steel by Spark AtomicEmission Spectrometry