ASTM G155-13 Standard Practice for perating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non-Metallic Materials
Designation: G155-13 Standard Practice for perating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non-Metallic Materials1
1. Scope
1.1 This practice covers the basic principles and operatingprocedures for using xenon arc light and water apparatusintended to reproduce the weathering effects that occur whenmaterials are exposed to sunlight (either direct or throughwindow glass) and moisture as rain or dew in actual use.Thispractice is limited to the procedures for obtaining, mcasuring.and controlling conclitions of exposure.A number of exposureprocedures are listed in an appendix; however,this practice
6. Apparatus
6.l Laboratovy Lighs Source—The light source shall be oneor more quartz jacketed xenon arc lamps which emit radiationfrom below 270 nm in the ultrawiolet through the visiblespectrum and into the infrared. In order for xenon arcs tosimulate terrestrial daylight.filters must be used to removeshort wavelength Uv radiation. Filters to reduce irradiance atwavelengths shorter than 310 nm must be used lo simulatedaylight filtered through window glass.In addition.filters toremove infrared radiation may bc used to prevent unrealisticheating of test specimens that can cause thermal degradationnot experienced during outdoor exposures.
6.1.1The following factors can affect the spectral powerdistribution of filtered xenon arc light sources as used in theseapparatus: Differences in the composition and thickness offilters can have large effects on the amount of short wavelengthuV radiation transmitted. Aging of filters can result in changes in filtertransmission.The aging properties of filters can be influenced
G155- 13 Standard Practice for perating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non-Metallic Materials