A488/A488M -17 Standard Practice for Steel Castings, Welding, Qualifications of Procedures andPersonnel
Designation: A488/A488M -17 Standard Practice for Steel Castings, Welding, Qualifications of Procedures andPersonnel'
1. Scope
1.1 This practice covers the qualification of procedures.welders, and operators for the fabrication and repair of steelcastings by electric arc welding.
1.1.1 Qualifications of a procedure and either or both theopcrator or weldcr under Section lX of the ASME Boiler andPressure Vessel Code shall autoamatically qualify the procedureand either or both the operator or welder under this practice.P-number designations in the ASME grouping of base metalsfor qualification may be different than the category numberslisted in Table 1. Refer lo Appendix Xl for a comparison ofASTMcategory numbers with the corresponding ASMEP-Number designations.
1.2 Each manufacturer or contractor is responsible for thcwelding done by his organization and shall conduct the testsrequired to qualify his welding procedures.welders.andoperators.
1.3 Each manufacturer or contractor shall maintain a recordof welding procedure qualification tests (Fig- 1),welder oroperator performance qualification tests (Fig. 2),and weldingprocedure specification (Fig. 3), which shall be made availableio the purchaser"s representative on request.
1.4 The values stated in either Sl units or inch-pound unitsare to be regarded separately as standard.The values stated incach system may not be exact equivalents; thcrefore,cachsystem shall be used independently of the other. Combiningvalues from the two systems may result in nonconformancewith the standard.
1.4.1 SI Unirs—Within the text, the SI units are shown inbrackets.
1.5 This stadard does not purporr to address all of thesafety concernas.if asy. associated wish iss sese. i is there spowsibility of the user of this srandard to establish appro-