A615/A615M - 20 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for ConcreteReinforcement

2022年03月27日 A615
Designation: A615/A615M - 20 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for ConcreteReinforcement1' 1. Scope* 1.1This specification covers deformed and plain carbon-steel bars in cut lengths and coils for concretc reinforcement.Annex A2 of this specification covers deformed bars for use forother applications. Steel bars containing alloy additions.suchas with the Association for Iron and Steel 'Technology and theSociety of Automotive Engincers series of alloy steels,arepermitted if the resulting product meets all the other require-ments of this specification.The standard sizes and dimensionsof deformed bars and their number designations are given inTable 1. 1.2 Unless specified for use for other applications in AnnexA2. bars are of four minimum yield strength levels: namely.40 oo0 psi [280 MPa]. 60 o0o psi [420 MPa]. 80 OO0 psi [550MPa]. and 10o o00o psi [690 MPa].designated as Grade 40[280], Grade 60[420]. Grade 80 [550], and Grade 100[690].respectively. NonE 1—Grade 10O[690]reinforcing bars were introcluced in thisspocification in 2015.In contrast to the lower grades,which have rutios ofspecified tensile strength to specified yield strength than range from 1.25to 1.50,Gradc 10O[690]reinforcing bars have a ratio of spocified tensilestrength lo specified yield strength of 1.15.Users of this specificationshould be aware that thcre will. thercfore, be a lower margin of safety andreduced warning of failure following yielding when Grade 100 [690j barsanc used in structural members whcre strength is govermod by the tensilestrength of the reinforcement,primarily in beams andi slahs.As ial result ofthe lower specified tensile strength to specified yield strength ratio of l.15for Grade 100[690]. users of this specification should be aware that ACI3I8 Type l mechanical and weded splice requirements found in manyacceplaince criteria of 125 % of specified yield strength requirements intension and compression are nor applicable to Grade IO0[690]. Mechani-cal and welded splices should meet a minimum specified tensile strengthof 115 0O0psi [790 MPa] for Gradc I0O[69O]. Non 2—Users of this specification need to be aware that consensus





