GB/T 10342-2002.Paper- Package and mark.1范围GB/T 10342规定了供生产和使用部门选择的纸张包装和标志。GB/T 10342适用于以各种不同运输方法运输的平板...
GB/T 9288-2006.Gold jewellery alloys -Determination of gold-Cupellation method (fire assay).1范围GB/T 9288规定了采用灰吹法(火试金法)测定金合金首饰中金含量的方...
GB/T 8973-2000.Mechanical toys- type of spare parts of toys-Listion method.1范围GB/T 8973规定了机动玩具(包括惯性玩具、发条玩具和电动玩具)机芯的型号编制...
GB/T 8942 - 2002.Paper - Determination of softness.4.4试样压入深度压人深度:8' 8:“mm.4.5 狭缝平行度平行度应不超过0. 05 mm。4.6测头对中性测头进人狭缝...
GB/T 8939-2008.Sanitary absorbent pads ( including pantiliner).5.5 pH测定按附录C的规定进行。5.6 水分测定按GB/T 462的规定进行。取样方法:同种样品取2条,分...
GB/T 8618-2001.Sampling methods of the main products in the salt industry.1范围GB/T 8618规定了制盐工业中主要产品食用盐.工业盐、工业氯化钾、工业氯化镁及...
GB/T 6548-1998.Corrugated fibreboard-Determination of ply adhesive strength.1范围GB/T 6548规定了瓦楞纸板粘合强度的测定方法。GB/T 6548适用于测定各种类型的瓦...
GB 5942-1986.Corrosion- resistant testing method of the metal deposits and conversion coatings for the light industrial products Sulphur dioxdde test.GB 5942规定用二氧化硫气体...
GB 4694-1984.Packi ng, m arki ng, trans portation and conse rvation of leather.3保管3.1皮革成品必须存放在库房内 妥善保管,以防风、雨、雪、日光照射和地下...
GB/T 4688-2002.Paper ,board and pulps- Analysis of fiber furnish.1范围GB/T 4688规定了纸、纸板和纸浆纤维组成的分析方法。GB/T 4688适用于各种纸浆及大多数...