SN/T 4017-2014.Methods of sampling and sample preparation of import and export wood chips for the pulp.1范围SN/T 4017规定了造纸用木片取样、样品制备的术语和定义以...
SN/T 4016.1-2014.Quality conformity evaluation methods of textiles for import and export-Special textiles-Part 1: Medical textiles.1范围SN/T 4016.1规定了进出口医用纺织品符...
SN/T 3983-2014.Determination of phosphonic and amino acid group-containing herbicides residues in foodstuffs for export-LC-MS/MS method.1范围SN/T 3983规定了大米、小麦、大豆...
SN/T 3972-2014.Quarantine protocol for swine influenza disease.1范围SN/T 3972规定了猪流感的临床诊断、病原学和血清学检疫技术要求。SN/T 3972适用于对进出...
SN/T 3701.12-2015.Technical requirements for the inspection of used electrical and mechanical products for import-Part 12 : Hydraulic excavators.1范围SN/T 3701.12规定了进口90...
SN/T 3464-2012.Quarantine protocol for duck viral hepatitis serotype I.1范围SN/T 3464规定了鸭病毒性肝炎I型检疫技术规范,包括病毒分离与鉴定、PCR及荧光...
SN/T 3461-2012.Requirements of reference material preparation for plant pathogeny.1范围SN/T 3461规定了植物病原菌标准样品制备的组织机构、病原菌来源及真实性...
SN/T 3460-2012.Rules for reproduction of plant virus diagnostic host.1范围SN/T 3460规定了生产植物病毒鉴别寄主种子的单位、人员、设施、生产管理、记录、...
SN/T 3451-2012.Technical specifications of quality control for diagnostic reagents in plant quarantine laboratory.1范围SN/T 3451规定植物检疫实验室采用的有害生物诊断...
SN/T 2375-2009.Code of biosafety insectary.1范围SN/T 2375规定了生物安全饲养室的防护基本要求、建设要求、操作要求和管理要求。SN/T 2375适用于进境陆...