SN/T 3109-2012.Failure analysis procedure for metal products in the imported equipments.1范围SN/T 3109规定了进口设备中金属构件失效分析程序。SN/T 3109适用于所有...
SN/T 3103-2012.Screening procedures for the hazards of chemicals.1范围SN/T 3103规定了化学品危险性初筛分类程序的要求。SN/T 3103适用于化学品在提交运输前...
SN/T 3098-2012.Evaluation method of environmental performance for zinc-coated sheet.1范围SN/T 3098规定了镀锌板的环境性能评价方法。SN/T 3098适用于电镀锌板和热...
SN/T 3090-2012.Quarantine procedure for import and export non-human primates laboratory animal on the spot.1范围SN/T 3090规定了进出境食蟹猴、猕猴等实验猴现场检疫...
SN/T 3085-2012.Technical requirements for the inspections of import used electrical and electronic products-General requirements.1范围SN/T 3085规定了进口旧电子电气产品的...
SN/T 4844-2017.Particle size analysis of liquid pesticide formulation-Laser diffraction method.1范围SN/T 4844规定了激光衍射法测定液体农药制剂粒度的方法。SN/T...
SN/T 4843-2017.Determination of chromium , cobalt , arsenic , bromine , molybdenum , cadmium , tin and lead in rubber products- Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.1范围S...
SN/T 4840-2017.General rules for inspection and identification of imported fuel oil.1范围SN/T 4840规定了进口燃料油的术语和定义、检验鉴别和结果评定。SN/T 4...
SN/T 4842-2017.Determination of azodicarbonamide in plastics and rubber-High performance liquid chromatography.1范围SN/T 4842规定了塑料及橡胶材料中偶氮二甲酰胺含量...
SN/T 4839-2017.Risk assessment method of quality and safety information of import and export goods- -Model based on moving weighted average of Bayes theorem.1范围SN/T 4839规定了基...