SN/T 1802-2014.Determination of ethyleneglycol monoalkyl ethers and esters in indoor coatings-Gas chromatography.1范围SN/T 1802规定了室内涂料中乙二醇甲醚.乙二醇乙醚...
SN/T 1795.1-2014.Rules for inspection of used elctrical and mechanical products for import-Part 1 :General requirements.1范围SN/T 1795.1规定了进口旧机电产品实施安全、...
SN/T 1732.6-2014.Pyrotechnic composition used for fireworks and firecracker-Part 6: Determination of strontian content.1范围SN/T 1732.6规定了烟花爆竹用烟火药剂中锶含量...
SN/T 1732.5-2014.Pyrotechnic composition used for fireworks and firecracker-Part 5: Determination of titanium content.1范围SN/T 1732.5规定了烟花爆竹用烟火药剂中钛含量...
SN/T 1730.9-2014.Safety performance test for export fireworks and firecrackers-Part 9: Warning label.1范围SN/T 1730.9规定了出口烟花爆竹警句标签的基本要求和检验方...
SN/T 1726-2015.Classification criteria of export fireworks and firecrackers.1范围SN/T 1726规定了出口烟花爆竹的分类。SN/T 1726适用于出口烟花爆竹分类。2规范...
SN/T 1682-2010.Quarantine protocol for European foulbrood of honey bees.1范围SN/T 1682规定了蜜蜂欧洲幼虫腐臭病的诊断方法。SN/T 1682适用于蜜蜂欧洲幼虫腐臭...
SN/T 1631.5-2012.Rules for the inspection of machines for import and export-Part 5: Wire electrical-discharge machines.1范围SN/T 1631.5规定了进出口往复走丝电火花线切割...
SN/T 1618-2017.Detection and identification of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus.1范围SN/T 1618规定了植物检疫中李属坏死环斑病毒检疫鉴定方法。SN/T 1618适用于植...
SN/T 1617-2017.Detection and identification of Cacao swollen shoot virus.1范围SN/T 1617规定了可可肿枝病毒的检测方法。SN/T 1617适用于进境植物材料中可可肿枝...