SN/T 2003.4-2006.Determination of lead, mercury , chromium , cadmium and bromine in electrical and electronic equipment-Part 4:Qualitative screening by energy dispersive X-ray fluor...
SN/T 1906-2015.Inspection and quarantine procedure for export tropical marine ornamental fishes.1范围SN/T 1906规定了出境热带海水观赏鱼检验检疫和监督管理的要求...
SN/T 1901-2014.Import and export textile-Test method for identification of fibre-Polyester fibres(polylactic acid fibre、polytrimethy-leneterephthalate fibre、polybutyleneterephth...
SN/T 1843.4-2014.Rules for the inspection of electrical equipment for measurement , control , and laboratory use for import and export-Part 4:Insulation resistance meter.1范围SN/T...
SN/T 1828.15-2006.Test method of classification for import and export dangerous goods-Part 15:Self-heating solids.1范围SN/T 1828.15规定了自热固体危险货物的试验类别判...
SN/T 1828.14-2006.Test method of classification for import and export dangerous goods Part 14 :Lithium batteries.1范围SN/T 1828.14规定了进出口锂电池组的试验要求、试...
SN/T 1828.11-2006.Test method of classification for import and export dangerous goods-Part 11: Flammable solids.1范围SN/T 1828.11规定了进出口易燃固体危险货物的试验类...
SN/T 1828.4-2006.Test method of classification for import and export dangerous goods-Part 4:Corrosive substances.1范围SN/T 1828.4规定了进出口腐蚀性物质的试验类别判定...
SN/T 1792-2014.Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in electrical insulating oil-Gas chromatography.1范围SN/T 1792规定了电气绝缘油中多氯联苯(PCBs)含量的气相色...
SN/T 1737.4-2010.Determination of herbicide residues-Part 4: Determination of aryloxyphenoxypropionate herbicide residues in foodstuff for import and export by GC-MS/MS method.1范围...