SN/T 3629-2013.Key environmental test for firework products.1范围SN/T 3629规定了烟花爆竹制品基本环境试验的试验仪器、试验步骤及试验报告。SN/T 3629适用...
SN/T 3587-2013.Determination of N ,N-dimethylformamide and N,N-dimethylacetamide in textile for import and export- -Gas chromatography-Mass method.1范围SN/T 3587规定了纺织品中...
SN/T 3567.9-2017.Detection method of crossing priming isothermal amplification-Part 9 :Yersinia pestis.1范围SN/T 3567.9规定了国境口岸鼠疫耶尔森菌交叉引物恒温扩增...
SN/T 1104-2002.Rules for quarantine of fresh vegetables for import and export.1范围SN/T 1104规定了进出境新鲜蔬菜的检疫方法及检疫结果的判定。SN/T 1104适用于...
SN/T 1096-2002.Rule for the inspection of silk blanket for export.1范围SN/T 1096规定了出口真丝毯的抽样、检验及检验结果的判定。SN/T 1096适用于出口真丝毯...
SN/T 1046-2002.Rules for the inspection of frozen strawberry for export.1范围SN/T 1046规定了出口冷冻草莓的抽样、检验及检验结果的判定。SN/T 1046适用于以新...
SN/T 1042-2002.Rules of inspection for export prepared ju jube.1范围SN/T 1042规定了出口焦枣的抽样方法、检验项目和方法、技术要求、结果判定及复验规则...
SN/T 1033-2002.Method for the determination of pine nut oil for export.1范围SN/T 1033规定了出口松籽油的色泽、气味、酸价、过氧化值、溶剂残留量、松油酸...
SN/T 0968-2000.Rules for the inspection of blue-dyeing and tie-dyeing textiles for export.1范围SN/T 0968规定了出口蓝染、扎染制品的抽样,检验和结果判定方法以及...
SN/T 0954-2000.Rules for the inspection of sand pot and casserole for import and export.1范围SN/T 0954规定了进出口砂锅的分类、抽样、检验和结果判定。SN/T 095...