SN/T 0556-1996.Rules of the inspection on shirt for export.1范围SN/T 0556规定了出口衬衫的外观质量.包装质量检验,以及抽样、检验条件、检验方法和检验结...
SN/T 0546-2004.Test method of calcium oxide , magnesium oxide and sulfur content in kieserite for export.1范围SN/T 0546规定了出口硫镁矾中氧化钙、氧化镁及硫含量的...
SN/T 0614-1996.Rules for appraisal of foreign investment property.1范围SN/T 0614规定了外商投资财产鉴定的项目、方法和程序。SN/T 0614适用于外商投资财产的...
SN/T 0612-1996.Inspection regulation for import and export polyester filament yarn and nylon filament yarn.1范围SN/T 0612规定了进出口涤纶丝、锦纶丝的抽样及检验方...
SN/T 0565-1996.Test method for length of the textile fibres for import and export with fibre length instrument.1范围SN/T 0565规定了进出口羊毛纤维和化学短纤维长度的...
SN/T 0551-1996.Determination of titanium content in ferrosilicon for export- Diantipyrylmethane photometric method.1范围SN/T 0551规定了用二安替比林甲烷分光光度法测定...
SN/T 0550.2-1996.Determination of iron ,aluminium and calcium for export silicon metal-Volumetric method.1范围SN/T 0550.2规定了用EDTA容量法测定铁、铝、钙含量的方法...
SN/T 0544-1996.Exported gasolines- Determination of knock characteristics - Research method.1范围SN/T 0544规定了燃料研究法辛烷值90~ 100范围内的实验室试验方法。...
SN/T 0516-1995.Rules of inspection of native silk for export.1范围SN/T 0516规定了出口土丝的抽样、检验方法、包装标志及结果判定。SN/T 0516适用于出口的桑...
SN/T 0505-1995.Rules for the inspection of high speed steel tool bits for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN/T 0505规定了出口高速钢车刀条的抽样、检验、检验结果...