SN 0053-92.Rule for inspection of leather shoes for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN 0053规定了出口皮鞋的检验依据、抽样方案、检验规则和结果判定。SN ...
SN 0046-92.Method for inspection of PONA of naphtha for export Method for test of naphthenes in saturates fractions with refractivity intercept.1主题内容 与适用范围SN 0046规...
SN 0045-92.Method for inspection of PONA of naphtha for export Method for test of density and specific gravity of liquids with lipkin bicapillary pycnometer.1主题内容与适用范围...
SN 0042-92.Method for inspection of PONA of naphtha for export Method for depentanization of gasoline and naphtha.1主题内容 与适用范围SN 0042规定了汽油、石脑油中戊...
SN 0041-92.Method for inspection of PONA of naphtha for export.1主题内容与适用范圉SN 0041规定了出口石脑油中烷烃(paraffins) 、烯烃(olefins)、 环烷烃( napht...
SN 0028-92.Rule of inspection for export hand crochet and knitted articles.1主题内容和适 用范围SN 0028规定了手编结抽纱晶的成品规格,质量要求,检验规则和包...
SN 0069-92.Rule for inspection of leather garments for export.适用范围SN 0069适用于男、女.童各类革皮服装。如合同有规定按合同规定检验,合同无规定或...
SN 0022-92.Rule for inspection of portable radio receivers with AM broadcast transmissions for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN 0022规定了出口便携式(含袖珍式)半导体...
SN 0026-92.Rule for inspection of machine embroideries for export.1主题内容和适 用范围SN 0026规定了机绣抽纱品的成品规格,质量要求,检验规则和包装要求。...
SN/T 0967-2000.Rules for the inspection of once using infusion and transfusion sets for import and export.1范围SN/T 0967规定了进出口一次性使用输液器和输血器的抽样...