SN/T 0257.1-93.Rules for the inspection of flanges of pressure vessels for export.1 主题内容与适用范围SN/T 0257.1规定了出口压力容器法兰的抽样方案、检验方法...
SN/T 0256-93.Method for the analysis of silicon carbide for export-Determination of silicon carbide.1主题内容与适用范围SN/T 0256规定了用于冶金脱氧剂和耐火材料的...
SN/T 0255-93.Method for the determination of knock characteristics of gasolines for export- Motor method.1主题内容与适用范围SN/T 0255规定了出口汽油爆震特性的测定...
SN/T 0254-93.Method for the determination of chloride in calcine magnesite for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN/T 0254规定了轻烧镁中氯化物含量测定方法一一电位...
SN/T 0253-93.Method for the determination of proportion of cotton ramie interweave fabric for export.1主题内容 与适用范围SN/T 0253规定了出口棉麻交织织物的比例测...
SN/T 0247.1-2015.Rules for the inspection of electrical machines for export-Part 1:General requirements.1范围SN/T 0247.1规定了对出口电机的要求检验及判定。SN/T 024...
SN/T 0243-93.Rules for the inspection of woodworking machinery for export.1主题内容 与适用范围SN/T 0243规定了出口木工机械的抽样、检验和检验结果的判定规...
SN/T 0242-93.Rules for the inspection of vernier callipers for export.1主题内容 与适用范围SN/T 0242规定了出口游标卡尺的抽样、检验和检验结果的判定原则...
SN/T 0239-93.Rules for the inspection of clip- on meter for export.1主题内容与适用范围SN/T 0239规定了出口钳形表的抽样、检验及检验结果的判定规则。SN...
SN/T 0236-2012.Rules for the inspection of industrial chains for export-General requirement.1范围SN/T 0236规定了出口工业链条的抽样、检验方法,以及检验结果的判...