SN/T 1408-2004.Rules for the inspection of magnesium granules for export.1范围SN/T 1408规定了出口金属镁颗粒和出口镁石灰混合物的抽样、检验、检验结果的判...
SN/T 4271.2-2015.Collecting methods of introduced medical vectors carried by international ships-Part 2: Flies.1范围SN/T 4271.2规定了国际航行船舶携带输人性蝇类的采...
SN 0683-1997.Method for the determination of tricyclazole residues in cereals for export.1范围SN 0683规定了出口粮谷中三环唑残留量检验的抽样、制样和气相色谱...
SN 0675-1997.Method for the determination of pyr szophos resi dues in meats and meat products for export.1范围SN 0675规定了出口肉及肉制品中定菌磷残留量检验的抽样...
SN/T 4896-2017.Test method of vapour pressure for dangerous chemicals.1范围SN/T 4896规定了固体、液体物质蒸气压测定的术语和定义、参照物、试验原理、试验...
SN/T 4885.2-2017.Rules for the measurement survey by flow meters on import and export commodities-Part 2 : Measurement of petroleum and liquid petroleum products by Coriolis meters....
SN/T 4882.3-2017.Application and management specification of quarantine detector dogs-Part 3: Evaluation of quarantine detector dogs and trainers.1范围SN/T 4882.3规定了检疫犬训...
SN/T 4882.2-2017.Application and management specification of quarantine detector dogs-Part 2 :Training of quarantine detector dogs and trainers.1范围SN/T 4882.2规定了检疫犬训...
SN/T 4882.1-2017.Application and management specification of quarantine detector dogs-Part 1:Selection of quarantine detector dogs for training.1范围SN/T 4882.1规定了备训检疫...
SN/T 4878-2017.Test method for the flammability of resilient filling materials used in upholstered furniture-45°method.1范围SN/T 4878规定了家具弹性填充材料45°燃烧试验...