SN/T 3750-2013.Detection and identification of Botr yos phaeria stevensii Shoemaker.1范围SN/T 3750规定了植物检疫中苹果壳色单隔孢溃疡病菌的检疫鉴定方法。...
SN/T 3748-2013.Detection and identification of S phaeropsis tume faciens Hedges.1范围SN/T 3748规定了植物检疫中柑橘枝瘤病菌的检疫鉴定方法。SN/T 3748适用于进...
SN/T 3713-2013.Screening of chromium pigment in paints-Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry.1范围SN/T 3713规定了电感耦合等离子原子发射光谱法筛选...
SN/T 3710-2013.Detection and identification of Subgen.Acnida L.1范围SN/T 3710规定了异株苋亚属的实验室检测与形态特征鉴定方法。SN/T 3710适用于进出境植物...
SN/T 3704.6-2015.Rules for inspection of textiles and clothing for import and export-Part 6:Functional clothing.1范围SN/T 3704.6规定了对进出口功能性服装实施检验的基...
SN/T 3704.4-2015.Rules for inspection of textiles and clothing for import and export-Part 4: Fur clothing.1范围SN/T 3704.4规定了进出口裘皮服装实施检验的基本要求、...
SN/T 3704.2-2014.Rules for inspection of textiles and clothing for import and export-Part 2: Knitted clothing.1范围SN/T 3704.2规定了进出口针织服装实施检验的基本要求...
SN/T 3702.7-2015.Quality conformity evaluation of textiles for import and export-Sampling method-Part 7:Special functional textiles.1范围SN/T 3702.7规定了进出口特种纺织品...
SN/T 3702.1-2014.Quality conformity evaluation of textiles for import and export-Sampling method-Part 1: General rules.1范围SN/T 3702.1规定了对进出口纺织原料、纺织纱线...
SN/T 3695.1-2014.Determination of mirex in electrical and electronic products-Part 1 :Gas chromatography-flame ionization detector method.1范围SN/T 3695.1规定了电子电气产品...