SN/T 4185-2015.Inspection rules for import and export dangerous chemical products- Benzene.1范围SN/T 4185规定了进出口危险化学品苯及其包装的要求、检验、合格判...
SN/T 4184.5-2015.Rule for inspection of textile raw materials for import and export-Part 5: Synthetic fiber.1范围SN/T 4184.5规定了进出口合成纤维检验的基本要求、结...
SN/T 4184.4-2015.Rules for the inspection of textile raw materials for import and export-Part 4:Fibrilia.1范围SN/T 4184.4规定了进出口麻纤维(包括苎麻精干麻、亚麻打...
SN/T 4184.1-2015.Rules for the inspection of textile raw materials import and export-Part 1 :Cotton.1范围SN/T 4184.1规定了进出口可用于纺纱的各类型棉花.包括:细绒...
SN/T 4183-2015.Determination of relative molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of polyolefins-High temperature gel permeation chromatography method.1范围SN/T 4183规定...
SN/T 4182-2015.Determination of propylene oxide and epichlorohydrin monomers in imported epoxy coating-Headspace-gas chromatography.1范围SN/T 4182规定了进口环氧树脂涂料中...
SN/T 4180-2015.Screening protocols for Nepovirus by universal RT-PCR.1范围SN/T 4180规定了线虫传多面体病毒属病毒的通用RT-PCR检测鉴定方法。SN/T 4180适用于寄...
SN/T 4177-2015.Detection and identification of Cry ptorrhynchus la pathi(L,1758).1范围SN/T 4177规定了杨干象Cryptorrh ynchus la pathi (L.,1758)的检疫和鉴定方法。SN/T...
SN/T 4165-2015.Code of quarantine inspection for cruise( passenger) ships.1范围SN/T 4165规定了人境邮(客)轮卫生检疫查验的内容、方法、程序、结果判定和处置...
SN/T 4163-2015.Real time PCR detection methods of Lassa fever virus at ports.1范围SN/T 4163规定了国境口岸拉沙热病毒检测的生物安全要求,标本的采集、运输和...