YY/T 1465.2-2016.Immunogenic evaluation method of medical devices-Part 2 :Serum immunoglobulin and complement component detection (enzyme-linked immunoadsordent assay).8周龄,離雄各...
YY/T 1470-2016.Disposable cut of the umbilical cord.1范围YY/T 1470规定了一次性使用脐带剪(切)断器的结构型式.要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志与使用说...
YY/T 1471-2016.Requirements and tests for indomethacin rubber used for Cu-IUD.YY/T 1471规定了含铜宫内节育器用含吲哚美辛硅橡胶(以下简称吲哚美辛硅橡胶)的材...
YY/T 0127.17-2014.Biological evaluation of medical devices used in dentistry-Part 17: Mouse lymphoma cells (TK) gene mutation test.c) 将培养后的细胞以200g离心5 min,弃去上...
YY/T 1224-2014.Detection kit for analysis of related chromosome and gene abnormalities in bladder cancer (Fluorescent in situ hybridization ).1范围YY/T 1224规定了膀胱癌细胞相...
YY/T 1236-2014.Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG/IgM antibody detection kit.YY/T 1236规定了巨细胞病毒IgG/IgM抗体检测试剂(盒)[以下简称“试剂(盒)"]的要求、试验方法...
YY/T 1411-2016/ISO/TS 11080:2009.Dentistry- Essential characteristics of test methods for the evaluation of treatment methods intended to improve or maintain the microbiological qua...
YY/T 1404-2016.Requirements and tests for copper used for IUD.1范围YY/T 1404规定了含铜宫内节育器用铜的化学成分、要求和试验方法。YY/T 1404适用于含铜宫...
YY/T 1414-2016.Liquid line solenoid valve for haemodialysis equipment.5.4.1正 压试验在电磁阀处于关闭状态下,将电磁阀进口端连接于压力测试装置上,并使进...
YY/T 1407-2016.Performance characteristics and test methods of image system for radiotherapy simulator.5.2.2帧频制造商应在随机文件中给出数字平板探测器的最大帧...