YY/T 0809.4-2010.Implants for surgery- -Partial and total hip joint prostheses-Part 4: Determination of endurance properties of stemmed femoral components.YY/T0809的本部分规定了...
YY 0285.5-2004/ISO 10555-5: 1996.Sterile , single use intravascular catheters-Part 5 :Over-needle peripheral catheters.1范围YY 0285的本部分规定了以无菌状态供应并一一...
YY 0671.2-2011/ISO 175 10-2 :2007.Sleep apnoea breathing therapy-Part 2:Masks and application accessories.YY0671的本部分适用于面罩及其固定和用来连接睡眠呼吸暫停...
YY/T 0822-2011.Ethylene oxide liquefied gas for sterilization.5.2.2产品的關装应符合GB14193中关于充装系数的要求;a) 100%环氧乙烷的产 品充装系数为0. 79;b)...
YY/T 0681.5-2010.Test methods for sterile medical device package-Part 5:Detecting gross leaks in medical packaging by internal pressurization ( bubble test).9.1试验方法A---非透气...
YY/T 0681. 4-2010.Test methods for sterile medical device package-Part 4:Detecting seal leaks in porous packages by dye penetration.YY/T0681的本部分规定了能检测透明膜和透...
YY/T 0681.3-2010.Test methods for sterile medical device package-Part 3:Internal pressurization failure resistance of unrestrained packages.通过开始充气加压使试验开...
YY 0569-2011.Class I biological safety cabinets.5.2.2所有的工作区内表面和集液槽应使用不低于300系列不锈钢的材料制作。5.2.3前窗玻璃应使用光学透视...
YY 0469-2011.Surgical mask.1范围YY 0469规定了医用外科口罩(以下简称口罩)的技术要求、试验方法、标志与使用说明及包装运输和贮存。YY 0469适用于...
YY/T 0771. 2一2009/ISO 22442-2:2 007.Medical devices utilizing animal tissues and their derivatives Part 2: Controls on sourcing,collection and handling.制造商应确立内部验...